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中国庭院与花园园艺展览会 两万名专业观众 全品类资材荟萃

Sunbrella was founded on the belief that fabrics should be both beautiful and functional. Since its inception in 1961, Sunbrella continues to provide quality textiles engineered with robust performance characteristics that provide long-lasting, durable, fade resistant, easy to clean and environmentally friendly fabrics. In addition to function, Sunbrella fabrics are made with luxurious softness and a close attention to design detail, featuring a wide variety of classic and on-trend designs. 

Sunbrella is a performance fabric industry pioneer and its fabrics are widely used for both indoor and outdoor applications. Each yard of Sunbrella performance fabric is a product of a global support team with a commitment to produce only the most exceptional performance textiles you can buy.

Sunbrella is the flagship brand of Glen Raven, Inc., which has a history of almost 140 years. Glen Raven is present on six continents and in 17 countries. In 2006, the company established an Asian-Pacific presence when a manufacturing center was built in China. Globally, there are currently 12 manufacturing centers and 22 sales offices providing customized fabrics to meet specialized needs for consumers.

Sunbrella®(赛百纶)倡导“功能面料 灵感生活”的全新理念。1961年成立以来,一直提供性能持久,耐用,不易褪色、易清洁、安全环保的高品质优异面料。不仅如此,Sunbrella®(赛百纶)追求奢华手感的极致体验,关注设计细节,提供广泛的经典时尚面料设计选择。作为高品质功能面料的领军者,被广泛应用于室内外家具环境。每码Sunbrella®功能面料背后都有全球团队的支持, 我们承诺提供给您能买到的最杰出面料。

Sunbrella®(赛百纶)隶属的美国格伦雷文(Glen Raven)公司至今已有140年的历史。公司横跨6大洲,17个国家。2006年格伦雷文在中国设立亚太生产中心。目前在全球范围内拥有12个生产基地,22个销售公司,为各行业提供定制化面料解决方案。